How Sana helped foodora scale its employee onboarding 和 boost engagement

作者:Olivia Winkvist,《人才获取 & 开发经理@ foodora


foodora has been on a tremendous growth journey, now employing more than 7,000 people. But with a cumbersome LMS that required hours of content creation 和 resulted in courses that hardly anyone 太k, foodora needed a new end-to-end platform that could automate 和 enhance all of their training.


New employee onboarding 和 training are now automated at foodora, 提高他们的参与度和完成率, 解决了他们一直在努力解决的巨大能力差距, 和 putting the professional growth of staff at the heart of their employee experience.

“萨那帮助我们从手工开始, 一刀切式登机到全自动, 但仍然是量身定制的体验.”


Growth is a core part of the foodora identity today—not just for the company but for everyone who works here. We want all of our employees to look back on their time at foodora, 和 see it as the place where they’ve grown 和 developed the most.

但情况并非总是如此. Foodora是一家数据驱动型公司, 和 the data we collected was clear: our fast growth had resulted in some improvement areas.

这并不奇怪. 一年前我刚上任的时候, all of our education efforts had been done manually 和 weren’t formalized. And the company has grown quickly—from 70 employees just a few years ago to more than 7,因为我们雇佣骑手. 这是我们非常自豪的事情. The 骑手 in Sweden are a part of our collective bargaining agreement, 是与运输工人工会协商的.

We tried using another LMS, but it was cumbersome, time-consuming, 和 hard to use. As a result, barely any training hosted there was ever completed. 有些事情需要改变.

I knew we needed an end-to-end platform that would allow us to train our 7,000名员工担任各种各样的角色——经理, 新员工, 骑手, 客户服务代理, 还有我们食品市场的采摘者. 它必须是我们的员工想要使用的解决方案. 我们发现了萨那,并没有回头.


Every day, we’re discovering new ways to make content creation even faster in Sana. 例如, 我最近开始使用AI课程生成功能, where I can upload an existing PDF 和 Sana will generate an interactive course based on the text in the document. Being able to repurpose existing content in this way is such a time-saver. 它减少了我们大量的手工工作量.

我们并不是唯一这样的人. I’m getting help from all over the organization to create content. 各个部门,比如商业部门, 客户服务, 法律, 和物流都在萨那建设和创造这么多东西. 看到公司里的其他人如此投入是件有趣的事.

因此, 我们正在使用萨那进行各种各样的培训:研讨会, 现场会议, 整个公司的学习会议, 以及GDPR等主题的必修课程. But the biggest application is in onboarding—not just for all new office employees, 但是对于5个人来说,000名骑手和500名拾取者.


作为一家快速发展的公司,入职培训始终是一个优先事项. 但它并不总是一帆风顺. Before Sana, the quality of onboarding varied quite a lot depending on the manager who was giving it. Now we feel confident that every new hire is getting the foodora experience they deserve.

主要原因是用户体验的质量. 参加我们的入职课程. We like producing self-paced content for our onboarding journeys because it offers new starters a sense of autonomy, 允许每个人按照自己的节奏行动. Sana makes these courses so much more engaging—you can easily drop in interactive features like polls, 小测验, 还有反射卡. 这种体验从来不是一成不变的. 除此之外,Sana还使体验更加个性化. 课程适应每个人的知识水平, meaning new hires can skip what they already know 和 focus on learning new material.

Sana has allowed us to go from an experience that was widely inconsistent to one that is st和ardized, 但仍然鼓舞人心. 我们正在以一种前所未有的方式吸引新员工. I feel proud because now we’re building the employee experience we always wanted to offer.

Increasing operational efficiency while closing key competence gaps

A key enabler to scaling our employee onboarding has been automation. 感谢Sana的整合, new hires automatically receive their onboarding journey as soon as they are added to our HRIS platform. 这不仅节省了我们大量的管理时间, it’s also helped us improve our completion rates 和 address large competence gaps, 尤其是我们的采摘者.

拾取者负责在商店里收集物品. Previously, we had an issue with pickers selecting wrong items or delivering partial orders. 萨那已经就位了, we were able to spin up a dedicated program addressing these topics 和 assign it to all our pickers. 他们参加了课程, 和 all the mistakes dropped to near or all-time lows—virtually overnight, 他们的采摘速度提高了, 太!

“增长对我们来说非常重要. To have an innovative platform that then allows us to be innovative 和 focus on growth has been a tremendous change.”


Eighteen months into the partnership, we’re only just getting started. We plan to integrate Sana into as many parts of the organization as possible. My ambition is to automate as much training 和 onboarding as we can through the platform, 比如专门的职业道路和其他量身定制的经历. And continue our work to add all of our company information 和 data, 所以我们可以使用Sana作为我们的知识库.

We’re even sitting down with each team to educate them on how to use the platform, 因此,管理者可以负责团队的发展. 多亏了Sana智能的洞察力和分析能力, it’s easy for us to follow up 和 see how many courses are being completed, 他们的情况如何, 并确定在哪里提供更多的支持.

We’ve even made one of our Objectives 和 Key Results (OKRs) to exp和 our education offering on Sana, 和 encourage managers from across the company to use the platform even more. They’re already putting a big effort into building out what we can offer through the platform because they see what Sana can do. They see that if they put in the work, they will save more time later. 在一起, we’re putting the professional growth of our employees at the center of the company experience.
















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